

My music magazine is going to be aimed at females aged 14-19 and it will focus on primarily the punk genre or two-tone punk genres such as ska punk and horror punk. Like all music magazines the articles will include live reviews, upcoming albums and reviews, upcoming tours and interviews, posters and competitions. On top of upcoming news the magazine will feature past punk bands that have had a heavy influence on today’s punk music. Being a female magazine it will also focus on punk fashion and ‘DIY’ articles on making your own punk clothing.
The colour theme I have decided is primarily white, black, red and purple. I chose these colours as this was the most popular in my questionnaire and I feel the connotations of power with these colours reflect the genre I am portraying quite well, I chose the pink on top of this theme so that the magazine wouldn’t look too masculine. 
The fonts I will be using on the front page will have an influence from generic tattoo fonts as I believe with the culture of this a font that looks original and unique will make my magazine stand out from the others. My main cover line will be the most exaggerated and hopefully I find a font that also captures the elegance I want to portray. The left third will include edgy and spray paint style fonts to keep with the theme of punk and to give some variety on my magazine cover. I will use the colour theme specified to bring attention to certain articles
The names of my masthead I want to reflect the conventions associated with the punk genre or the time period surrounding it.  My first thought was to use a similar style to Kerrang with onomatopoeia relating to music however I do not want this to be a duplicate of Kerrang magazine.  Some ideas that have come to mind are ‘Distortion’, ‘Censored’, ‘Up the Anti’ and ‘Rebellion’ but I feel that I will have to start creating the masthead and see which word suits best with the design of my masthead. I have decided not to use a tagline as I’d like the emphasis to be mainly on the name and not a catchy hook; I want to keep the cover as simple as possible.
My magazine will be published monthly due to the theme being quite specific and I feel there would not be a substantial amount of content if I was to publish the magazine weekly, with this in mind I feel the price would be around £3-£5 due to the costs of keeping the magazine running and a month’s worth of content I feel this is a fair price.

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