
Editted photos!

Probably the most music orientated one out of the edited shots, didn't notice the stroke effect so I will take that off! This needs a bit more editing I think in particular to make the guitar look more vibrant and interesting, I am happy with the model position and the quality of the picture and out of all of them it will show that it is a music magazine, I feel working the masthead and left third around it however will be quite difficult.
This photo has very nice lighting and there are no major shadows on the face which distract the audience, I feel this follows the conventions more of a fashion magazines which means I'm successfully creating something that comes across as feminine but not musically which is what I need to work on.
Generic magazine shot, The outline needs to be tidied up and the stroke effect deleted, If these little bits are fixed this could work. I may have to enlarge the photo to fill up more of the front cover.
This one I spent a lot more time editing so this one seems the most professional, I feel with a bit more editing this could be my final main cover image, the pose suggests status and the facial expression is very edgy which is a running theme throughout my magazine.

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