
Task 1: Getting to know Blogger

Things you can do with Blogger:

  • Create blogs and give users the ability to personalize their blog as they see fit, either with HTML coding or domain hosting as one of the many examples.
  • Both Youtube and Blogger are linked via google which makes it easier to link both types of media to personalize your blog even further
  • Earn money by placing advertisements through either adsense or Amazon's Associates Programme that if either of these are clicked on you earn commission from the websites.
  • Allow feedback from your readers which allows constructive criticism and suggestions on what to write next. 
  • Group blogging allows more than one person too write and post content on the blog and being the owner of that particular blog you are allowed too give/take certain admin rights away from the users.
  • You can add plug ins into your blog to make it easier/ more convenient to organize and collect data of your users such as location.

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